February 2010


I was going to start this week's entry by mentioning how busy this week has been, but it honestly hasn't been any busier than usual. That is to say it has been very busy, but that's not really enough of a change from normal to comment on it as if it were. (It would seem I've managed to comment on it, after all.) This week has seen a change from previous weeks; I have had more time for artwork. Not as much as I would like - it's never enough - but enough to get some work well under way. This week's efforts are not ready for viewing, but I think they will be next week. In the mean time, here is my promised, more substantial art offering:

In addition to more time in the studio, I managed to do a bit of reading. This week's reading highlight is Agyar, by Steven Brust. Brust is one of my favorite authors for how he plays with narrative style, and Agyar is no exception. The narration is witty and charming and fun to read. This is a good thing too because Agyar is vampire novel. If it weren't that Brust wrote it, I would have skipped this book entirely due to it's subject. The way the story is told does a lot to make it worth reading. Brust never actually uses the word "vampire" and all of the references to traditional vampire lore are pretty oblique, which was nicely done.


I just finished reading Italo Calvino's "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler". It was an interesting book, and the timing of my reading was good given my recent interest in authorial voice, narrative and the ways text can be read. The whole book is about the interactions between author and book and reader, with a heavy emphasis on the reader. For the most part, I enjoyed it, and the sense of play it had concerning the novel as a medium and how different readers interpret novels. I did find that it became slightly too self aware of its self awareness at times, but not enough to really damage my own enjoyment of reading.

You should all be happy to know Emily and I passed our black belt tests in Tae Kwon Do yesterday. It was a great deal of fun and I am very grateful for everyone who came out and cheered for us. I am very happy with how it all went, and I am even happier to say that having passed this test, I will have more time for art. This means that you, all my happy viewers, can look forward to more, better and bigger in the coming weeks.

For this weeks drawing, I have a bit from a page of aquanauts I was drawing some time ago. Any of you who have played X-Com: Terror from the Deep know what I'm referring to here, though I must admit a certain amount of inspiration from Yukito Kishiro's Aqua Knight as well.


I spent a fair amount of time this week thinking about goals and how to achieve them. The more time a spend thinking about it, the more obvious the answer becomes. You want to achieve a goal? Work for it. Pretty simple, yes?

So here I am, working for my goals. This is good, and progress is being made. Allow me to show you some of my progress:

Wonderful, isn't it?

In other news, I would like to point out that the Megamoth Studio is looking to expand its class offering. We are hoping to begin offering classes 5 days a week starting late this Spring. Emily Martin and I teach classes on drawing and comic book creation. If you are interested, take a look at the site to see what we've got our students doing.

I have one more week before my black belt test, after which my goal oriented machinations will shift focus to the production of art. The weekly drawings here shall continue unabated, and you can look forward to a more substantial update the first week in March.


Welcome to February.

The past week has been of a painful nature, mostly due to training for a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. It's actually been a lot of fun. More fun than you might think being roughed up on a regular basis would be. In fact, the only part of the whole business that is unsatisfactory, is the impact it has had on my time in the studio. Not that you need worry of course. I do have a fresh drawing for your enjoyment today:

I also had time to finish a commission for a theatrical poster for a project in San Francisco (more on this later) as well as organizing concepts for a few other pieces. That's right, there's no stopping me.


Have I told you about Larry Marder's Beanworld yet? It's about beans. Walking, talking, adventurous beans who live on an island with a protective tree and spend their days either goofing off or conducting chow raids against the great Hoi-Polloi Ring Herd that lives below the Four Realities. If you didn't follow all of that, don't worry about it. The comic is pretty far off the beaten track. That being said, it all really does make sense, once you get into it and it is happily back in production after a period of several years of near desperate scarcity on local retail shelves. I highly recommend it for your reading pleasure. I also bring it up as a partial explanation for this week's drawing, which appears to be a drawing of me in the process of turning unto a member of the previously mentioned Hoi-Polloi Ring Herd:

In other news, I am studying like crazy for my black belt test in late February. This means the large stack of copper plates I just received will not be receiving the attention it deserves for a about three weeks. Rest assured, I shall make up for the delay with what would be called a vengeance, were I one to hold grudges. You may look forward to prints in March. I know I am.

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